Healthy Children Beautification Project
Heal – thy Children beautification project is the perfect antidote to healing the hearts of our children and their relationships with the police. In this initiative children have been able to work and play in a community peace garden with the police department for positive loitering. These children were able to learn about the ins and outs of a police car. They were able to ask questions to the Police Sargent who was very patience and involved with the children. One child asked how do you arrest the bad guys and put them in the police car. She explained what happens and how the processed worked. She was encouraging and friendly. The children gave her hugs and flowers. Parents joined in as well and it was a beautiful thing to see. If there ever was an officer friendly, the children at this peace garden got to see, talk and hug one that day. The video of this event went viral and the community had so many positive things to say about this event. In these sad times when there is so much negativity in the news about the police and our youth, it was refreshing to see and gave the community a new hope and a new outlook on positive relationships with the police.
We are on the path of building and expanding this project to other areas throughout Chicago to motivate and inspire more youth to be involved and give them a since of pride and responsibility to their community as well as build positive relationship and mutual trust with community residents and the individuals that are to serve and protect them. There are special workshops and peace circle being held with police officers from the community.
Youth get to explore and experience the world around them in a safe community places. They learn and participate in community gardens to become good stewards of the earth.